The Australian Government is now in a caretaker period in advance of the forthcoming election. Until a new government is sworn in, government operations are conducted in accordance with the caretaker conventions.
Ambassador's Message
Namaste and welcome to the website of the Australian Embassy in Nepal.
The year 2025 will mark the 65th anniversary of formal diplomatic relations between Australia and Nepal. In 1984 Australia established a resident mission in Kathmandu, led by Chargé d’Affaires Mr Adrian Sever. Australia’s first Ambassador to Nepal, Ms Di Johnstone, was appointed in 1986 and was the first of five women (so far!) to hold his post. Other female Ambassadors have included Anne-Marie O’Keeffe (1994-1996), Susan Grace (2009-2013), Felicity Volk (2021-2024) and current Ambassador, Leann Johnston.
Since the late 1980s, the friendship between our countries has flourished through formal links such as high-level visits, our Bilateral Consultation Mechanism, an active development assistance program and trade and investment ties. Equally important are our rapidly expanding people to people links.
Around 180,000 Nepalis have made Australia their home and they are contributing to our countries’ close relations, including through growing business connections. Nepali is the third most commonly spoken language in Canberra, Hobart and Darwin (Cultural diversity of Australia | Australian Bureau of Statistics ( Most Australian state capital cities enjoy annual Nepali community or Momo festivals, organised by our highly respected Nepali community groups. In addition, Australia is delighted to be providing a world class education to around 60,000 Nepali students.
Almost 40,000 Australians visited Nepal in the past year, enjoying the tourism offerings of Nepal’s rich and ancient culture, spiritual tourism and trekking through natural environments unparalleled in their beauty. And each year, groups of Australian undergraduate students thrive on their Australia Government funded study opportunities in Nepal through the New Colombo Plan (New Colombo Plan | Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (
Australia deeply values its friendship with Nepal, evidenced through our close partnership to support Nepal’s development priorities. In 2023, our aid program totalled $27.1 million (Nepal Development Cooperation Factsheet | Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (, providing support for Nepal’s federalism agenda, climate resilience, social inclusion, disaster preparedness and capacity building under the Australia Awards program.
Staff at the Embassy deal with a range of matters, including diplomatic relations, trade and two-way investment, development cooperation, and consular matters.
The Embassy’s role is to strengthen Australia’s position as an enduring partner and friend of Nepal. It seeks to elevate Australia’s reputation as an open and inclusive country with knowledge and expertise to share, and as an attractive place to study, live, visit and invest.
Consular staff provide services to Australians living in and travelling through Nepal, including during times of stress and emergency. Consular staff also provide electoral services, notarial services, and are responsible for issuing Australian passports.
Leann Johnston
Embassador of Australia to Nepal
Eighteen Australia Awards scholars from Nepal to depart for Australia
On 29 November, the Australian Ambassador to Nepal, Her Excellency Leann Johnston and Acting Secretary at the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, Mr Baikuntha Prasad Aryal congratulated the 18 recipients of the Australia Awards scholarships for Intake 2025.
Australia Awards scholarships are funded by the Australian Government to provide emerging leaders with study and research opportunities. The scholars bring new skills, knowledge and networks to apply to Nepal’s ongoing socio-economic development and Australia-Nepal relations.
Australian Embassy Media release
Passport and Notarial Services
"LOVE YOUR EYES" A Children Activity Book Remind of FHF-TIO Friendship Through Mithila Arts
June 2024
Australia’s Ambassador to Nepal, HE Felicity Volk and Dr Reeta Gurung, Chief Executive Officer from Tilganga Institute of Ophthalmology (TIO) launched an important new resource to promote eye health in children.
Australian Embassy Media Release
Menopause – A Neglected Public Health Issue
June 2024
The Australian Embassy hosted a public seminar, Menopause to Meno-peak, in Kathmandu with high profile advocates including singer and philanthropist, Ani Choying Drolma, and Australian mountaineer, Allie Pepper, to raise awareness about menopause.
Australia Awards alum and Tribhuvan University’s Lecturer of Sociology, Dr Neeti Aryal Khanal, and President of the Himalayan Dialogues, Dr Sunoor Verma, joined the panel discussion which was attended by government, diplomatic, civil society, media and members of the public.
Australian Embassy Media Release
Ambassador Volk calls for greater cooperation and investment to secure heritage
May 2024
Australia’s Ambassador to Nepal HE Felicity Volk joined the National Conference on Restitution of Heritage from 26‐27 May, to urge deeper cooperation among countries, governments and communities for the restitution of stolen heritage to places of origin.
Australian Embassy Media Release
Australia and Nepal Sign Trade and Investment Framework Arrangement
February 2024
On 9 February 2024, Australia’s Minister for Foreign Affairs Senator The Honourable Penny Wong and Nepali counterpart Honourable Minister for Foreign Affairs of Nepal, Mr Narayan Prakash Saud witnessed the signing of the Australia-Nepal Trade and Investment Framework Arrangement (TIFA). The signing event occurred in the margins of the Seventh Indian Ocean Conference, held in Perth, Australia, from 9-10 February.
The Honourable Mr Tim Watts MP, Australia’s Assistant Minister for Foreign Affairs, and Ambassador of Nepal to Australia, HE Kailash Raj Pokharel, signed the TIFA, which seeks to deepen economic relations and promote expanded trade between Australia and Nepal.
Australian Embassy Media Release
OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises
The Australian Government encourages Australian enterprises operating overseas and multinational enterprises operating in Australia to observe the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises. The Guidelines provide voluntary principles and standards for responsible business conduct in a variety of areas, including:
- human rights;
- employment and industrial relations;
- environment;
- combating bribery, bribe solicitation and extortion;
- consumer interests;
- science and technology;
- competition; and
The Australian National Contact Point (AusNCP) promotes the use of the OECD Guidelines and contributes to the resolution of issues relating to their implementation, including facilitating access to conciliation services.
First visit by an Australian Parliamentary Delegation to Nepal
October 2023
An Australian parliamentary delegation led by the Hon Milton Dick MP, Speaker of the Australian House of Representatives, will visit Nepal from 3-7 October 2023. This is the first ever Australian Parliamentary Delegation visit to Nepal in over six decades of diplomatic ties with Nepal, signalling the flourishing bilateral relationship. Other members of the delegation include Ms Libby Coker MP, Ms Joanne Ryan MP, Senator Dean Smith and Senator Ralph Babet.
Australian Embassy Media Release
अष्ट्रेलियाली संसदीय भ्रमण टोलीको पहिले नेपाल भ्रमण
अष्ट्रेलियाली संघिय संसदको तल्लो सदन प्रतिनीधी सभाका सभामुख मानिनीय श्री डीक मिल्टनको नेतृत्वमा एक संसदीय प्रतिनीधी मण्डलले यही १६ असोज देखि २० असोज सम्म नेपालको भ्रमण गर्दैछ । अष्ट्रेलिया र नेपालबिच रहिआएको दौत्य सम्बन्धको छ दशकमा अष्ट्रेलियाली संसदीय टोलीको यो पहिलो नेपाल भ्रमण हो र यस भ्रमणले हाम्रा दुई देशहरुबिचको सम्बन्ध सुदृढ हुँदै गएको देखाउँछ । यस भ्रमण टोलीमा प्रतिनीधी सभाका सांसदहरु लिब्वी कोकर र जोआन रियान र अष्ट्रेलियाली संसदको माथिल्लो सदन सिनेटका सदस्य सिनेटरहरु डीन स्मिथ र राल्फ वाबेट सहभागी छन् ।
Australian Assistant Foreign Minister Watts in Kathmandu on a two-day visit
May 2023
Australian Embassy Media Release
Australia returns 13th century Ratneshwar temple strut to the community in Patan
May 2023
Today, Australia returned a 13th century tundaal (temple strut) to the head priest of the Ratneshwar temple, Mr Heramba Raj Rajopahdyay. The handover of this important artefact was made by the Director of the Art Gallery of New South Wales (AGNSW), Dr Michael Brand, at a ceremony attended by Australia’s Assistant Foreign Minister, The Hon Tim Watts, MP, Secretary of the Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation, Mr Suresh Adhikari, and Mayor of Lalitpur Metropolitan City, Mr Chiri Babu Maharjan.
Australian Embassy Media Release
Australian Minister hands over rescue equipment
May 2023
On Wednesday, Australia’s Assistant Foreign Minister, The Honourable Tim Watts, MP, handed over an Australian-made Portable Altitude Chamber (PAC) to the Himalayan Rescue Association (HRA) for use at Pheriche Aid Post and the Everest ER Clinic at Everest Base Camp.
Australian Embassy Media Release
Opening hours
The Embassy is open from 8:30am to 5:00pm, Monday to Friday.
We are closed on some Australian and Nepali public holidays.
Embassy Public Holidays