Australian Embassy

Passport Services

Passport Services

  1. Passport information
  2. How to lodge your passport application
  3. Hours of operation

The Australian Passport Office has introduced a new portal for clients to complete their passport applications online. This will require clients to first register for an account before completing the passport application.

If clients face any issues when completing the passport application or during the account registration process, clients should contact their closest Australian Embassy, Consulate or High Commission.

Passports – Digital Upload Function

Accessing the temporary digital upload function on the Australian Passport Office website

Customers who have been issued with a 10-year Australian passport since 2006 or who are applying for a child passport will be able to upload their application via the Australian Passport Office website.

In order to use this temporary digital upload function, you must:

  • be located in Nepal and have a delivery address in Nepal
  • have held a 10-year Australian Passport since 2006; or
  • be lodging an application for a child

If you do not meet the above criteria, this option is not available to you, and you must lodge your Australian passport application in person at the Australian Embassy in Kathmandu, Nepal


For customers in Nepal who meet the above criteria, follow the steps below to lodge your passport application:

  • Complete the application form online
  • Upload the application form, supporting documents, digital photo and credit card payment authorisation
  • Payment is taken by Credit Card only, in AUD (Australian Dollars)



Once your digital application is being assessed (note this may take up to 4 days), you will receive an email from [email protected] to finalise the payment authorisation.

You will also be contacted if:

  • the application is for a child
  • additional documentation is required
  • there is a problem with what you have submitted
  • you are not eligible for this service

Once your passport has been finalised it will be sent directly to your nominated address in Nepal.

Please note that if your delivery address is not in Nepal, the new upload function will not become available at the application stage.

Please refer to the Australian Passport Office  website for current processing times.

If you face any issues when completing the passport application or during the account registration process, please contact the Australian Embassy, Kathmandu, Nepal.

Examples where customers are not eligible for the digital upload function.

  • If you have urgent travel or require an emergency passport you are not eligible use the digital upload function for this reason
  • If you hold a Limited Validity Passport, you are not eligible to use the digital upload function
  • Age 16 years and older, if you are applying for a passport for the first-time adult passport, provided all other requirements are met: A child who is applying for a first-time adult passport may be issued an LVP. The LVP may be upgraded to a FVP if presented in person prior to expiry). 

Passport fees in  Cards or Cash in Nepali Rupees ( NPR)